Monday 29 August 2016

Home Remedies for Dandruff Hair Loss:

Hair is the most sensitive part of the skin. Hair is a protein  filament  that grows from follicles found in the dermis or skin. Hair is composed of two parts: hair follicle and hair shafts. Hair follicle is the essential part as it contains keratin a protein that promotes hair growth. A person loses 50-100 hair strands daily that is very common. But if hair loss increases to noticeable amount then it is an alarming situation. Hair fall is a serious issue affecting mainly women. Hair loss is caused due to several factors  that includes  pollution, hormonal imbalance, mineral and vitamin deficiency, diseases like thyroid, anemia, use of chemical hair products,etc.So, better relaying on artificial hair treatment products people should go for natural ways for treating hair loss. Here are some home remedies for hair loss.

1.       INDIAN GOOSEBERRY:-It is also commonly known as Alma. It is rich in vitamin C that is a natural hair growth promoter. Vitamin C deficiency causes hair fall and breakage of hair.Amla has natural anti-oxidants and anti bacterial properties that eradicates dandruff, itching scalp and inhibit the growth of germs and parasites. Take few Alma’s discard the seeds and grind it making a thick paste. Add few drops of lemon juice to the paste. Apply a thick paste on the scalp and leave it for 30-45 min. Rinse it with lukewarm water.

2.       EGG:-It contains several ingredients that promote hair growth and make scalp healthy. It is a rich source of sulphur, phosphorus, selenium, zinc and protein that boosts hair growth. Take one white egg and mix one teaspoon of olive oil to it. Beat to give a thick paste like consistency and apply to the entire scalp. Leave it for 15-20 min and rinse it with plenty of water and mild shampoo.

3.       FENUGREEK SEEDS:-It is also known as methi and is highly effective in treating hair loss. It contains hormone antecedents that enhance hair growth and rebuild hair follicles. They also contain protein and nicotine acids that stimulate hair growth. Soak some fenugreek seeds in water for overnight. In morning grind the seeds into a thick paste. Apply the paste evenly on scalp and leave it for 40-45 minutes. Repeat the remedy for a month for excellent results.

4.       ONION JUICE:- It are highly rich in sulphur content that improves blood circulation to the hair follicles, regenerate hair follicle and reduce inflammation. It is also rich in a anti-bacterial properties that treat scalp infections. Grind some onions and squeeze out its fresh juice. Apply it evenly on the scalp for 30 minutes. Rinse it with plenty of water and mild cleanser.

5.   ALOE VERA JUICE:-It contains several enzymes that directly promote hair growth. The alkaline nature of it restores the PH level of hair scalp. The cooling nature treats itching, scalp infections, redness and inflammation of scalp, alleviate dandruff, add strength and luster to hair. Take few leaves and collect the pulp turning it in a juice. Apply it on a scalp and leave it for 45 minutes. Rinse it with plenty of water .repeat it 3-4 times in a week.

6.       COCONUT OIL:-It has several benefits for hair. It is rich in fats, minerals, and proteins that stimulate hair growth and prevent breakage of hair and are also rich in potassium and iron.Warm a coconut oil and massage it from hair root to tip.Leave it for one hour and rinse with plenty of water. Repeat it twice a week for better results.

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Wednesday 10 August 2016

Increasing body weight  is no more a private affair. It has become most talked global issue. Most of the people around the world is suffering from  uncontrolled increase in body weight  that has lead to various deadly diseases such as one of them is obesity. Obesity is root to many diseases like diabetes type 2, increased the risk of heart attack, strokes, multi-organ failure ,thyroid ,arthritics, etc.In 

USA researchers are looking to perfect diet plan meals with limited  workout that would help in reducing weight  and maintain healthy body. With a healthy diet there should also be a routine workouts that targets the muscles making them lean and stiff. Here are some sets of exercises that would give complete sense of fitness and help in maintaining right body weight.

1.      CARDIO EXERCISES:- These exercises regulates proper functioning of heart, improves blood circulation, increase oxygen supply in blood , etc. It includes walking, jogging, running, skipping rope, cycling, swimming, etc. It also helps in complete movement of muscles of the body. 

2.      CRUNCHES:- It is the best exercise to reduce belly fat and fat around waist. As we know belly fat is highly dangerous as it make the body prone to the risk of heart attacks, strokes, hemorrhage due high blood pressure, etc. The exercise targets the abdominal muscles, belly region and waist area .Regular performing 2-3 sets with 10 each a set melts down the belly fat in few days.

3.      SQUATS:- It helps in reducing the fat from buttocks , thighs, calves, etc. The exercise targets the hamstrings, gluts, inner thighs in the form of fat called cellulite. Shedding off fat from lower abdominal region includes hips and thighs is a bit more challenging than belly fat. So, a regular performing 3 sets of 10 each contribute in melting down   the fat within 2-3 months.

4.      LUNGES:- The exercise targets thighs and calves. I t melts down the cellulite from inner thighs gluts , hamstrings and calves. The exercise improves the muscles strength of legs giving a slimmer and stiff legs in few months.  By regular performing 2 sets with 10 each for 3 months helps in shedding the fat fast and easily.

5.      PUSHUPS:- The exercise involves the movement of the whole body. It works on the biceps and triceps muscles.It strengthens the  muscles of forearm making it lean.By regular performing 3 sets with 5 each helps in eliminating the excess fat from arms.

Sunday 7 August 2016

Health is a gift of God. Healthy diets are enriched with proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals that contribute to a healthy body. Healthy body promotes controlled blood level, right heart blood pumping, good metabolism, proper functioning of organs, controlled hydration rates, etc. 

     Likewise, our skin also requires nourishment, moisturisation, scrubbing and massaging for the growth of healthy skin.. The artificial supplements used contains highly hazardous range of chemicals, cell killer element i.e, toxins heavy dose artificial toner i.e; botox etc. The use of such artificial products destroys the skin cells and deteriotes the naturallity of skin making it rough and dry. The natural herbal products are free of hazardous chemicals, toxins, botoxins used as artificial toner for skin.

Therefore, natural remedies are the best ways to keep the skin glowing. Here, is some of the list of natural products that give our skin a tinge of natural glow.

Ø  GREEN TEA;- It is also commonly known as herbal tea as it is mixture of herbs  green tea is rich in flavonoids, anti-oxidants,minerals, vitamins,etc. The natural anti-oxidants found in it eliminate the free radicals that hamper the growth of white cells of skin. The natural toner or astringent tannin found in it helps in toning of facial tissues. It is a natural cleanser as it eliminates the excessive oil and dirt in the skin pores. It also helps in getting rid of blackheads, white heads. It enhances the skin complexion, promotes the growth of new cells, removes dark patches around eyes and maintains skin sensitiveness, etc. It has natural anti bacterial qualities that destroys the growth of bacteria causing pimples, acne, etc. It is a natural sunscreen as it protects the skin from harmful ultraviolet rays.

Ø  ALOEVERA:-A medicinal plant with countless number of  hidden benefits. The aloevera gel is a natural moisturizer for skin. The jelly texture  nourishes the dry layer of skin making it soft .It is used in summers as well as in winters  is natural  hydrating  agents that maintains  the moisture in the skin .Natural  anti-oxidants found hamper the growth of free radicals causing argument in dead skin cells .It revives the natural glow of skin. When used in scrub forms helps in getting  rid  off  blackheads ,whiteheads,etc

Ø  WHITE LILY:-It is an aromatic natural complexion enhancer. When applied in scrub form removes uneven skin tone, dark patches, blackheads, whiteheads, etc. It provides natural glow to the skin.

Ø  ROSE WATER:-It is commonly known as gulaabjal. It is clear solution of rose extract diluted in water. It is a natural cleanser, it cleans away excessive dirt and oil from skin pores avoiding blackheads and whiteheads .It is generally applied with cotton on face or mixed with face pack for excellent results. It is an excellent hydrating agent as it keeps the skin tissues hydrated in dry seasons. It is a natural toner; it tones the skin tissues making the skin tight. It retains the natural glow of skin.

Ø  LEMON:-The citric found in it is an excellent cleanser, it cleans away the excessive dirt and oil from skin pores avoiding blackheads and whiteheads. it is a natural anti-oxidants, it hampers the growth of free radicals and promotes growth of new cells.

Ø  SAFFRON AND MILK:-It is commonly known as kesar.It is a natural complexion enhancer. When applied with milk in a paste form, eliminates the dead skin cells that promote blackheads, whiteheads, uneven skin tone, etc. It boosts new skin cells thereby enhances skin tone. The mik in the paste act as natural moisturizer leaving the skin hydrated. The mixture revives the natural glow of the skin. 

Tuesday 2 August 2016

Hi all. According to me, there are 6 essential kinds of tools for managing and strategic planning of SEO:
1.    Keyword analysis: Ubersuggest is a free and powerful keyword suggestion tool that employs a variety of different KW suggestion services and creates a detailed list of relevant keywords for you.
2.    Rankings: SEMrush is a free / premium tool which allows you to access the website data; it allows you to track your domain or Keywords from any geographical location, to discover local competitions and even allows you to target different devices.
3.    Content Ideas: The tool Yoast Plugin will let you to find new ideas and optimize your present content to ensure the content on your website is SEO friendly.

4.    Link Building: Moz  is an essential tool for checking whether a site is up to the required standard by showing instant vital SEO information regarding the site you’re present on.
5.    Link Removal: Google’s Disavow Tool mainly highlights the sites to Google that you don’t want Linking to your site. It is useful to check and remove any harmful links to your site.
6.    Technical SEO: WooRank Plugin scans your entire site and tells you if there are any inefficiencies, and even offers checklists to complete. It is a great tool to get a complete overview of your site and your competitors.
These are some of my personal favorite SEO tools. It doesn’t mean that there aren’t other tools out there that can do the same job, but I have found these are usually the free / freemium, easier to use and most powerful.
Post is Taken from here visit Guide2SEO.

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